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10 new quotes about love with clarification of its types | quotse

10 new quotes about love with clarification of its types

Family love

A person learns to love from his family that takes care of him, respects him, educates him, and teaches him the way in which healthy and strong relationships are established, as the family is the first way in which we know how to love and caring relationships are.

friend's love

 The first thing that a person encounters after knowing love in his family is the love of friends who have love of another kind based on respect, trust, support, concessions, cooperation, and dialogue.

Women love men and vice versa

10 new quotes about love with clarification of its types | quotse

 The love between a man and a woman begins in two ways, which are love at first sight: it is that love that begins with admiration and attraction at first sight.
Love after a period of time: It is that love that occurs after a period of time when the two parties get

to know each other, where they are initially joined by friendship, which later turns into love, or they spend time with each other, such as if they stay up all night or work on a project, so the relationship

develops To turn out to love. Behavior that indicates the development of feelings for love that a person can know that he has begun to love a person if he begins to perform one of the following behaviors

Say words like I miss you, as he has already missed you. Forget about your ex. Begin to love doing things that he did not like or do. You start making sacrifices. The belief that this person is the only

the thing that happened to him in his life. Feeling safe and comfortable with the person around him. Start planning

For their future together without realizing that he is doing it. Introducing him to his family. Begin to follow his personal pages on the communication sites. Begin by trying to control himself by not

continuing to talk about it in front of friends. Talk to him about the things he likes and prefers. Staying where he is and not leaving even if there is nothing to do.

10 love quotes

10 new quotes about love with clarification of its types | quotse

“The way to love anything is to realize that it may be lost.”

 Gilbert K. Chesterton

“It takes courage to love, but pain through love is the purifying fire which those who love generously know. We all know people who are so much afraid of pain that they shut themselves up like clams in a shell and, giving out nothing, receive nothing and therefore shrink until life is a mere living death.”

Eleanor Roosevelt

“Don't brood. Get on with living and loving. You don't have forever.”

 Leo Buscaglia

“Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.”

Maya Angelou

“There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved.”

 George Sand

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”


“Love is of all passions the strongest, for it attacks simultaneously the head, the heart, and the senses.”

Lao Tzu

“You know it's love when all you want is that person to be happy, even if you're not part of their happiness.”

Julia Roberts

“At a touch of love everyone becomes a poet.”


“If I had a flower for every time I thought of you… I could walk through my garden forever.”

Alfred Tennyson

“When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.”

Marcus Aurelius

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